Perfect Your Shot - The Spot Shooting Drill for Basketball

David Willis
2 min readMar 2, 2023


In basketball, spot shooting, one of the best basketball shooting drills, involves taking a shot from one of several predetermined spots on the court. Lines or circles typically mark the spots to help players focus on their form and technique rather than just shooting randomly. Spot shooting enables you to improve your muscle memory so that when it comes time for real-game situations, you can perform well without thinking about what you’re doing.

It’s important for basketball players at all levels — from beginners who want to learn the best shooting drills for basketball. And this drill teaches how to shoot correctly to professionals who want more consistent results — to perfect their shot. Use this drill because it helps them develop good habits early in their careers as athletes.

What Is Spot Shooting?

Spot shooting is a drill that focuses on shooting from specific spots on the court. Spot shooting differs from regular individual shooting drills basketball because it requires a plan for each spot rather than just working through a series of shots in random order.

This drill aims to help you develop muscle memory and get comfortable with your shot so that when it comes time for real-game situations, your body will know what to do without overthinking.

Executing Spot Shooting

Spot shooting is a drill that will help you improve your shooting. The goal of the drill is to get you comfortable with your shot so that when it comes time for game time, you’ll be ready to step up and hit those shots from anywhere on the court.

This works simply: You’ll stand at one end of the court (the “spot”) and take shots as they come toward you. You don’t have any control over what type of shot comes next — it could be a jump shot or a layup — but once it’s in motion toward you, it’s up to you to make sure that ball goes through its intended hoop!

Benefits of Spot Shooting

Spot basketball shooting drills have several benefits for basketball players. Firstly, it helps players become better shooters by developing muscle memory. This means that players can shoot accurately from specific spots on the court without consciously thinking about their technique.

Secondly, spot shooting can help players build confidence in their shooting ability. Thirdly, it can help players improve their shot selection during games by making them more aware of their strengths and weaknesses from different spots on the court.


Spot shooting is the best shooting drill for basketball that can help players improve their accuracy, build muscle memory, and increase their confidence. By practicing this drill regularly and focusing on their form and technique, players can develop a consistent shot that will help them score points and win games.



David Willis

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