Myths and Facts about Automatic Basketball Return You should Know About

David Willis
5 min readMay 3, 2024


In this technologically driven time, basketball players are not solely dependent on the traditional ways to hone their skills. The technological revolution in the sports field is making the practice session more productive and effective and helping players to be more efficient in terms of skill development.

For the last decade automatic basketball return or better to say basketball return machine has created a lot of buzz among players and coaches. However, due to some widespread misconceptions and myths, many basketball enthusiasts still frown on using a basketball passing machine.

In this blog, we will try to explore how many of those myths can be countered with proven facts, without further ado, let’s get started.

Popular Myths Surrounding Basketball Return Machine

There are a lot of myths that discourage many players and coaches to frown on using basketball machines, here we are going to talk about the most common ones.

Myth 1: Automatic Basketball Returns are Only for Amateurs

Well, this can be considered as one of the most talked about misconceptions and myths. Contrary to this quite a popular belief, ball machine basketball caters to players of all levels, from aspiring amateurs to seasoned professionals. Starting from refining the shooting drills and techniques, enhancing the muscle memory or even creating or simulating a game-like scenario, an automatic basketball return machine can do it all.

These systems are extremely useful for improving players’ performance on the court because of their extensive features and adjustable settings, which allow them to adjust to each player’s unique needs.

Myth 2: Basketball Returns Automatically Impair Game Realism

The idea that automatic basketball returns lessen the realism of gaming circumstances is another erroneous belief surrounding them. Shooting against an immobile target, according to skeptics does not accurately capture the dynamic nature of in-game scenarios.

But modern automatic basketball return systems like the gun basketball machine address this concern. These modern machines incorporate programmable functionalities. By adjusting different settings these functionalities can simulate real-game scenarios.

This machine comes with adjustable settings like adjustable shot speed, frequency, random shot locations, etc. With these customizable settings, players can be pushed to adapt and react and foster a decision-making skill that comes in handy on D-day.

By bridging the gap between practice and game situations, automatic basketball returns enhance the transferability of skills acquired during training, debunking the notion of their ineffectiveness.

Automatic basketball returns dispel the myth that they are insignificant by increasing the transferability of skills learned in training and creating a bridge between practice and game circumstances.

Myth 3: Dependency on Automatic Basketball Returns

Some skeptics suggest that excessive reliance on automatic basketball return systems can foster dependency, inhibiting players from developing self-reliance and resilience. While it’s essential to strike a balance between utilizing technology and traditional training methods, automatic basketball returns serve as valuable supplements rather than substitutes for conventional practice.

By providing immediate feedback and consistent repetition, these systems accelerate skill acquisition, empowering players to refine their techniques efficiently. Moreover, incorporating variety into training regimens, such as combining drills with live gameplay and situational exercises, mitigates the risk of dependency, ensuring holistic skill development.

Myth 4: Automatic Basketball Returns are One-Size-Fits-All Solutions

Many critics believe that automatic basketball return systems provide generic solutions for everyone. They feel ball machine basketball fails to provide customized o individual player-centric solutions. But the advanced basketball machines like the gun basketball come with versatility and modern settings that cater to different preferences and needs. Starting from angles to heights, shot distance to frequency, every aspect can be manually controlled and customized.

A few machines are mobile-compatible and can be used for tracking progress in real-time. This kind of evaluation helps the coaches and players adjust their training regimen and work on the weak points

Facts that Can Debunk The Myths

We have tried our best to jot down most of the common myths regarding basketball passing machines with relevant explanations about why we should not pay heed to those baseless myths. Now it is time to shed some light on the facts about this game-changing machine.

Fact 1: Enhanced Shooting Accuracy and Consistency

There are a lot of upsides and benefits of using a basketball machine, and one of the primary benefits is their ability to enhance shooting accuracy. Basketball machines help a player improve their shooting accuracy consistently by repetitive ball passing, and feedback, and refine their shooting technique over time. Apart from time these machines also play a great role in developing muscle memory through repetition. Starting from arc trajectory, to release timing, and shooting form to consistency, the basketball return machine is a holistic solution for honing the skill.

Additionally, the gamification elements incorporated into some systems offer fun and inspiration, pushing users to pursue constant improvement.

Fact 2: Time Saving Yet Efficient Training Sessions

Time is a valuable resource in the fast-paced world of today, particularly for athletes who must balance demanding training regimens with other obligations. Automatic basketball return systems provide a solution by maximizing the effectiveness of training sessions. In contrast to manual ball recovery in typical rebounding drills, these devices automate the operation, freeing players to concentrate only on their shooting mechanics.

Athletes are not bound to wait out for other teammates to practice and utilize their extra time by installing home basketball machines. Apart from set training sessions, they can keep practicing on their own by using this machine. Players can maximize their training output in a shorter amount of time by eliminating downtime between repetitions. This allows them to make the most of their limited time and achieve noticeable results.

Fact 3: Injury Prevention and Adjusted Training

Apart from skill development and saving time, automatic basketball machine plays a crucial role in injury prevention too. If a layer is just recovering from an injury and movement is controlled, or restricted for healing, the customization option of the shooting machine can help them keep practicing in controlled environments to steadily reintegrate into training without risking further injury.

Where Can I Buy an Automatic Basketball Machine?

In this digital world, getting something is a matter of minute. First, decide on your budget and talk to your coach for guidance. Now do your own research on what kind of features you expect to be in your basketball machine and whether you are going to get it within your budget or not. Now the best thing you can do is browse for “basketball return machine” and you will get a lot of options to choose from. You can go through the customer reviews, authenticity, and reputation of the company before you buy the basketball machine. Shootaway’s basketball machines are one of a kind, you should definitely go through their machines.


To sum up, automatic basketball return systems are a paradigm change in basketball training, providing a host of advantages that refute popular belief and bolster empirical evidence. These systems have solidified their status as essential resources for players of all skill levels, offering benefits such as improved shooting accuracy and consistency, increased training efficiency, and injury prevention support. The capabilities of automatic basketball return systems will advance along with technology, radically altering the field of basketball player development and performance enhancement.



David Willis

Shootaway Guns are the most-trusted and oft-preferred range of equipment for the MVPs and the NBA’s emerging stars. Visit