How to Dribble Like the Pros

David Willis
2 min readDec 30, 2022


Dribbling is an essential skill in basketball, allowing players to move the ball up the court and create scoring opportunities. Whether you’re just starting or a seasoned pro, improving your dribbling skills can take your game to the next level.

This blog post will show you how to master dribbling like the pros, using techniques and drills you can practice with a basketball hoop rebounder. By the end, you’ll be able to confidently take control of the ball and outmaneuver your opponents on the court.

Basics of Dribbling

Hand Placement and Ball Control

To effectively dribble the basketball, it’s crucial to have good hand placement and ball control. Make sure you hold the ball with your fingers, not your palms. Keep your fingers spread out and your thumb on the back of the ball for added control. Pay attention to your hand placement and ball control as you move and make your next move.

Body Position and Movement While Dribbling

Your body position and movement can also impact your dribbling skills. Keep your head up and your eyes on the court to see where you’re going and what’s happening around you. Use your non-dribbling hand to protect the ball and keep it close to your body. Practice different dribbling moves, such as crossovers and between-the-legs passes, to improve your body control and movement while dribbling.

While practicing your dribbling skills, an automatic basketball return system can be a helpful tool to retrieve the ball and get back to work quickly. Whether you’re just starting or looking to improve your game, keep these basic principles of dribbling in mind to become a pro on the court.

Advanced Dribbling Techniques

  1. Crossover dribble: This move involves switching the ball from one hand to the other while dribbling past a defender. It’s a great way to create separation and get to the basket.
  2. Behind-the-back dribble: This move involves dribbling the ball behind your back, which can be an excellent way to change direction and keep the ball away from your opponent.
  3. Spin move: This involves pivoting and spinning around a defender to change direction and get past them. It’s a great way to create space and get to the basket.
  4. In-and-out dribble: This move involves bouncing the ball from one hand to the other while dribbling, which can be a great way to fake out a defender and get past them.

Remember to practice these advanced dribbling techniques with a ball machine basketball court to improve your ball-handling skills.


To dribble like the pros, it is essential to practice with a basketball rebounder and focus on developing quick reflexes, ball control, and body awareness. With dedication and consistent practice, you can improve your dribbling skills and become a more confident and capable basketball player.



David Willis

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