Get Your Own Rebound Hook Shot Basketball Drill

David Willis
2 min readJan 3, 2022


shooting in basketball
shooting in basketball

In the grab your own rebound hook shot basketball drill, an offensive rebounding net basketball is followed by a hook shot finish to complete the play. Besides helping players improve their rebounding and hook shot technique, this basketball exercise also encourages the creation of muscle memory via repetitions.

The player must push themselves and leap as high as they can each time the ball is bounced, rather than waiting for the ball to fall. If they wait for the ball to get to them in a game, they risk having the ball tipped out or rebounded. Positioning is just the first step in shooting in basketball. As soon as the player releases the board, it may be snatched from the highest point on the board.

Additionally, this practice will help to strengthen one’s touch around the rim, which is essential for making the final shot. This is one of the finest basketball rebounding workouts to do with a home basketball machine since it works on a variety of abilities at the same time.

The objective of the drill

  • Make improvements in your offensive rebounding and finish with a hook shot near the rim.

Coaching points

  • Instead of waiting for the ball to drop down to you on the rebound, jump up and grab it when it is at its most elevated position.
  • Keep your body in between the ball and the phantom opponent on the hook shot as much as possible.
  • After a rebound, don’t let the ball drop to the ground; instead, chin it and maintain your hands firm on the ball.

Drill instructions

  • In this scenario, the post player will begin on either block, while the partner will start with the ball beneath the hoop.
  • Immediately after the exercise begins, the partner slams the ball into the ground in the middle of the paint, and the player must turn away from their block, leap up to collect the ball, and then chin the ball back (their chest should be facing the opposite block).
  • It is almost sure that they will immediately go up into a hook shot as soon as they chin it.
  • Immediately after the hook shot, they will go to the other block and repeat the process.
  • You may spend a certain amount of time, shots, or takes, practicing the exercise.



David Willis

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